Live Local? Shop Local!

If you live locally, please support any of the fine WNY vendors below who carry our unique designs (call ahead if you are in search of something particular as not all shops carry every design):

Bay 6 in the Southgate Plaza next to Applebee's (674-1115).

Elmwood Poster Art at 1055 Elmwood Ave (883-3034).

The BFLO Gallery Gift Shop in the Eastern Hills Mall (716-616-9096).

The Visit Buffalo / Niagara Store located across from the Buffalo Public Library on Clinton & Washington Streets (716-852-0511) as well as in the Buffalo Niagara International Airport gift shop.

Premier Gourmet on Maple Road across from the Boulevard Mall (716-877-3574).

The Seneca Niagara Casino gift shop; Buffalo location, adjacent to Key Arena (716-299-1100)

The Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino gift shop; Niagara Falls location (716-299-1100)

Elevator Alley Kayak 65 Vandalia Street in the Old First Ward (716-997-7925)

Thanks for being a Buffalo Booster by wearing a Born in Buffalo product!